'Hear, hear'. A. interjection An exclamation of approval or agreement; also used ironically. 1901 W.S. Sutherland 


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What is a hoor

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Al-‘iyn refers to beautiful and huge eyes. The beauty of eyes in the female is one of the greatest signs of beauty. Assalamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Sister Ratri, the Hoor are a Creation of Allah, not from the offspring of Aadam Alaihis Salam. They will be married to the believing men who shall enter the Jannah. In beauty, they are like rubies and corals as Surah ar Rahman says.

You can use Google Translate to translate the contents of hoor.se. To do that, select the language you would like to translate into in the list below. Please bear in mind, since the Google Translate is an automatically generated translation, we do not take any responsibility for errors in the text.

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My dear sister…..first of all Jannah and Jahannum (and Hoor Al’Een, for that matter) and all what happens in them are matters of the Hereafter. These are a part of the realm of the Unseen of which we have very limited perception.
